Immediately. There are several factors that go into this decision for individuals seeking criminal representation, however the most important to consider are the following:
A defense attorney is actively handling your case. Prosecutors are diligently working against you along with investigators and police departments. Retaining a defense attorney gives you the peace of mind of having somebody defending your rights.
In some cases, evidence can be obtained prior to filing or indictment of a charge.
The defense attorneys have the advantage of being able to communicate with prosecutors tasked to prosecute your case, and can actively begin to negotiate prior to charges being formalized.
Strategy is best formed from the beginning and immediately hiring a criminal defense team can be critical to the eventual outcome of your case.
Lastly, it is no secret that cost is a very real and daunting part of hiring a criminal defense attorney. If you will need a payment plan to manage your defense, time can be your best friend—especially if you retain a criminal defense attorney immediately.